
Don’t Jeopardize Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Don’t Jeopardize Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Like others here in Anchorage, you go to work every day expecting to go home safe and sound at the end of your shift. Most days that may happen, but then something happens and you suffer injuries while at work.

Study: Silica Exposure Risks High In Chipping And Crushing Work

Study: Silica Exposure Risks High In Chipping And Crushing Work

Major health risks can come with exposure to certain substances in the workplace. Silica is one such substance.

What Should Estate Planning Accomplish?

What Should Estate Planning Accomplish?

When it comes to the big picture, the answer is the same for every Anchorage resident. Estate planning should provide for surviving loved ones upon death and provide for the individual upon incapacitation.

Alaska: A Particularly Dangerous Place For Workers?

Alaska: A Particularly Dangerous Place For Workers?

It appears that fatality risks may be particularly high in workplaces here in Alaska. Recently released federal data points to the state leading the nation in workplace deaths.

Can Part-time Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?

Can Part-time Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?

When you’re not a full-timer, you don’t always get the same benefits as other workers. But what about when you get hurt?